• A Yoruba phrase meaning 'One House'.

    Commonly used to signify 'sameness' or a common point of origin between people.

    A place where people gather knowing they are working towards a common goal. Here that goal is transformation of the mind + body.

Our Story

Built by Brothers

Ilé kan, meaning One House in their native language of Yoruba, was a vision that evolved along the journey of two brothers that had a higher calling, to live a life of purpose and create a legacy that brings people together.

Tolu, a Corporate Executive and Entrepreneur saw the passion and impact of the work that his brother, Health & Fitness Coach, Prince Tunde was having on people and approached him with the idea to create a family business. Ever since, the two have worked together, day in and day out to bring their vision of building a gym to life.

  • OKAN // MIND

    At Ilekan we start with the foundation, your mind. Okan meaning conscience, heart and mind in our native language, Yoruba. Change your mind, change your life.

  • ARA // BODY

    The vessel which carries you on this journey of life. You have one body which you must take care of. Heal it, fuel it, protect it. Health is wealth.


    Much like the importance of mind + body, your spirit is your guide. Your must protect your gut and intuition. Take time to be still, quiet the noise and become one with your spirit.

  • AYE // LIFE

    Strive for greatness. Live the dream, your dream. When the mind, body and spirit are known, your purpose becomes loud and impossible to ignore. There's a hunger from within to live your best life. When you measure up to your potential, you give permission to those around you to become their best selves.